On the Local & European Elections

The local and European elections represents something of a watershed moment for Irish politics. It saw a breakthrough of the so called ‘far right’ and though we don’t believe that these individuals represent any geniune rightist or social national sentiment, the perception is enough. The flowers are breaking through the concrete and little by little our revolutionary message becomes more mainstream.

To see individuals who the media brands as racist, anti this or that, etc. get elected or respectable votes is a step in the right direction in shifting public perception. We don’t care about parliamentary politics nor what ‘truths’ collected scraps of paper tell us. We are merely happy to take advantage of this growing national sentiment, however misdirected it currently is. That said what can we learn from the recent elections?

The first lesson is clear. Despite success for our way of thinking, the gombeen still rules Irish politics, particularly at the local level. The flock of votes to establishment FF/FG and Independents demonstrate this. At the local level connections and personality is everything and a man who can successfully navigate and aid the electorate in business and community life will see great success. The true nationalist finds this difficult to achieve as we are not concerned with money, nor even the material primarily but rather a spiritual battle. This is hard to sell on the door to an electorate as it is a feeling. The nationalist is born not made.

So long as the Irish people love their gombeens then they will continue to vote for and support the gombeen. Little can be done electorally to combat this, we cannot beat the bean counters at their own game. That is why our Ceannaire has wisely chosen a different path which is to educate and propagandise the Irish people with that true nationalist sentiment. Let all true Gaelic national socialists come to Clann Éireann. Ten true nationalists are more powerful than a 100 gombeens and their money. We have patience for the right people to join us, and they are joining us.

The second lesson we learn is the tribal nature of the Irish mind and how this hurts nationalists in a parliamentary system. A quick examination of the votes and one sees that ‘soft nationalism’ at the least appeals to 20% to 30% of the electorate. If this vote had gone to one organisation we would see a new government with the year. Alas these votes were split between numerous candidates and there are now calls once again for unity among nationalist candidates. All well and good but is near impossible to achieve. How are we to have unity when anti establishment characters differ so much in ideology? Some are marxists, others open capitalists and the majority simply one issue candidates who could be swayed any way the wind blows. How is this hodge podge supposed to fight against 100 year old established parties with organisational procedures long practiced? Even the establishment could organise the proverbial piss up in a brewery. Of what hope have the dissidents?

Ireland is a country of ‘boss’ politics and we are unlikely to see a unified movement until the true hour of decision. The most authentic nationalist movement will then take the reigns of this island as that is where history is going. The Liberal Empire is on its death bed and nationalism is the flower that shall grow from its grave. Our plan is simple. Continue to organise and propagate the authentic national socialist ideals, put aside electoral politics, ignore the gombeen and seek to educate and train the people. When the time comes we will be ready to strike. The final lesson we should take away is that democracy will change nothing. Only action will. Join Clann Éireann and get behind The Ceannaire, for Ireland and Irish people!

– Clann Éireann Member

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