Category: Uncategorized

  • On the Local & European Elections

    On the Local & European Elections

    The local and European elections represents something of a watershed moment for Irish politics. It saw a breakthrough of the so called ‘far right’ and though we don’t believe that these individuals represent any geniune rightist or social national sentiment, the perception is enough. The flowers are breaking through the concrete and little by little our revolutionary message becomes more mainstream.

    To see individuals who the media brands as racist, anti this or that, etc. get elected or respectable votes is a step in the right direction in shifting public perception. We don’t care about parliamentary politics nor what ‘truths’ collected scraps of paper tell us. We are merely happy to take advantage of this growing national sentiment, however misdirected it currently is. That said what can we learn from the recent elections?

    The first lesson is clear. Despite success for our way of thinking, the gombeen still rules Irish politics, particularly at the local level. The flock of votes to establishment FF/FG and Independents demonstrate this. At the local level connections and personality is everything and a man who can successfully navigate and aid the electorate in business and community life will see great success. The true nationalist finds this difficult to achieve as we are not concerned with money, nor even the material primarily but rather a spiritual battle. This is hard to sell on the door to an electorate as it is a feeling. The nationalist is born not made.

    So long as the Irish people love their gombeens then they will continue to vote for and support the gombeen. Little can be done electorally to combat this, we cannot beat the bean counters at their own game. That is why our Ceannaire has wisely chosen a different path which is to educate and propagandise the Irish people with that true nationalist sentiment. Let all true Gaelic national socialists come to Clann Éireann. Ten true nationalists are more powerful than a 100 gombeens and their money. We have patience for the right people to join us, and they are joining us.

    The second lesson we learn is the tribal nature of the Irish mind and how this hurts nationalists in a parliamentary system. A quick examination of the votes and one sees that ‘soft nationalism’ at the least appeals to 20% to 30% of the electorate. If this vote had gone to one organisation we would see a new government with the year. Alas these votes were split between numerous candidates and there are now calls once again for unity among nationalist candidates. All well and good but is near impossible to achieve. How are we to have unity when anti establishment characters differ so much in ideology? Some are marxists, others open capitalists and the majority simply one issue candidates who could be swayed any way the wind blows. How is this hodge podge supposed to fight against 100 year old established parties with organisational procedures long practiced? Even the establishment could organise the proverbial piss up in a brewery. Of what hope have the dissidents?

    Ireland is a country of ‘boss’ politics and we are unlikely to see a unified movement until the true hour of decision. The most authentic nationalist movement will then take the reigns of this island as that is where history is going. The Liberal Empire is on its death bed and nationalism is the flower that shall grow from its grave. Our plan is simple. Continue to organise and propagate the authentic national socialist ideals, put aside electoral politics, ignore the gombeen and seek to educate and train the people. When the time comes we will be ready to strike. The final lesson we should take away is that democracy will change nothing. Only action will. Join Clann Éireann and get behind The Ceannaire, for Ireland and Irish people!

    – Clann Éireann Member

  • The Scourge of Mass Migration

    The Scourge of Mass Migration

    There is no need to dwell on figures or numbers when it comes to the scourge of mass migration. Many others have broken down the data already, but it is irrelevant now. What use is this information when the stark reality stares us in the face? Look at any of our cities and now sadly many of our small towns. What can be seen clearly is that the Irish are being replaced and ethnically cleansed. There is no use ‘moderating’ our language on this issue. Replacement is exactly what is happening. Call it what it is.

    But why is this happening? We won’t look to secret conspiracies or cabals, not because we don’t believe in such things but rather there is a straightforward explanation that even the most centrist can understand. The answer is money. Gombeenism infests our country with many the traitor making a good profit from importing thousands and thousands of foreigners. Be it for cheap labour, IPAS centres or simply to keep the rents and housing prices up, the effect is the same. A certain class of our people only care for money, and Irish culture be damned if need be. Clann Éireann will eradicate this way of thinking. Profit will not rule Ireland.

    The ideology of liberalism is the primary driver of this mass migration. Not only does it put individual monetary profit at the heart of its economic thinking, it blurs the lines between all divisions and boundaries in a pathological effort to individualise and atomise every human. In truth it is the most totalitarian belief system ever conceived.

    Ireland is liberal because it is under the boot of a liberal empire, the United States. It will not cease until the world is remade in it’s democratic image. Perhaps they think they are doing good for the world but in practice it means genocide for the Irish people and culture. Do not shy away from that word. We faced a genocidal British regime and succeeded, now we face a new enemy. Will you fight back? Join Clann Éireann now and save your people from liberalism and mass migration.

    -Clann Éireann Member

  • The Birth of Clann Éireann

    The Birth of Clann Éireann

    We must say woefully that our National Party, once considered the vanguard of the Irish nationalist movement, has had it’s venerable name dragged into the mud by the treasonous actions of Paul Conroy, who, after being dismissed as National Organizer for gross incompetence, vindictively sought to destroy the Party, using his control of the Social media accounts to illegally declare the former Deputy Leader, James Reynolds as the new Leader of the Party.

    This plan, of course, only fully precipitated, in a botched and clumsy manner, after the discovery and thwarting of their attempted theft of the Party’s gold reserves, carefully collected from the party’s hard-working members.

    Since hijacking the party’s social media, the conspirators have been fully capable of eroding the Party’s reputation of principled Irish Nationalism and transforming it into just another cowardly ‘conservative’ controlled opposition mouthpiece.

    Needless to say, it was upon these issues, whether the Party would stand firm for the Irish people, and refuse to compromise it’s principles, by which the true and remaining Ceannaire, Justin Barrett, had staked his will so strongly, providing a steady hand of principled ideological leadership to the party in turbulent times.

    We refer of course to the attack on the Party’s Ard Fheis in the Lough Erne Resort. This event caused the cowardly elements within the party to seek to scurry back to the political center out of fear. The Ceannaire however, quickly frustrated these attempts. It was these elements, those insidious and cowardly ones, which have plagued the Irish nation perennially, which have manifested once more in the attempted coup of the party.

    Needless to say, Justin’s Leadership has passed the ultimate test, and he has been shown to be a man of ultimate integrity and mettle. The only tool at the disposal of the insidious and diabolical parcel of thieves and weaklings to justify their own cowardice has been to lie, and lie vociferously they have. The lies have however fallen apart under the weight of their own manifest absurdity. Through this all of this Justin has been shown to be a man worthy of true and enduring faith to all true sons of Ireland.

    The time has come, to once again, rally behind the Ceannaire, and endeavour, with energy and belief, to save Ireland from the claws of International Finance Capitalism. The time has come to become a Nation Once Again!

    Ar son na hÉireann! Réidh!

  • Man the Bearna Bhaoil!

    Man the Bearna Bhaoil!

    Retreat has failed! Democracy has failed! No more will we negotiate our existence with our intractable enemies, nor accept the rules they use to bind us. Against all-consuming capital we present the phalanx of reborn youth, and the spirit of Ireland’s resurrection. No master commands us but the memory of our martyred dead and our immemorial nationhood.

    When you join Clann Éireann you join a family, bound by kinship, blood and nationhood. The native Gael alone is paramount, you will never be sold out and your efforts will never be in vain. We alone are the voice of the Irish nation and the shield of the Gaelic race. Your faithful protector against all threats to your community and our people.

    Ar Son na hÉireann, Réidh!

  • A Message from Ár gCeannaire

    A Message from Ár gCeannaire

    Clann Éireann is in no way a “political party”, nor does it intend to become one. As such my own legitimate claim to the leadership of the National Party remains unchanged and still the subject of, in the first instance, a decision by the Chairman of the Electoral Commission.

    – Justin Barrett

  • The Necessity of the Leadership Principle

    The Necessity of the Leadership Principle

    Democracy and the Parliamentary system have failed Ireland. We believe this to be an absolute fact. How can we come to such a dramatic and heterodox conclusion on our political system? Both reason and historical context inform us of the dangers of Parliamentary democracy and it is incumbent on every true Irish nationalist to come to grips with this central question of power.

    It is said that democracy allows the people to make their opinions known and to peacefully make political change. However, when we look around our country, we see at all times discontent, disillusionment, and decline. Did the people vote for this? Is this their desire? Our political class is deeply unpopular with the electorate, and even the major political parties can barely crack 30% approval. Weak power sharing governments come to fruition, and it is called progress and compromise, meaning the people never get what they want or need.

    The weakness of our political class is a feature of parliamentary democracy, not an unfortunate error. By putting ‘power’ in the hands of the people (and not the Irish people but rather an indiscriminate mass of ‘citizens’) our ruling elite can obfuscation each poor decision, can dither endlessly or ram the most unpopular policies down the throat of the people, with little push back. Why? Because it is not clear to the electorate who makes the final decision, who is truly in charge. The traitors in the Dail speak of ‘international obligations’. Obligations to who? The people are never told, and so they have no one to blame, no one to put their ire upon when Irish people are left in want.

    In truth, it is not the people writ large who elect these parliamentary stooges. Rather, it is their friends and social networks who elect them. While there is nothing wrong with strong community networks, limiting a political process to this ensures that only the smooth talkers, the extraverted and the cute whore can be in power. It creates a one-sided political system and we can see the consequences of this in the unashamed gombeenism that terrorises our people. How many TDs play a double game of criticising the current system while reaping huge profits from it? One is too many. Even well-meaning politicians get sucked into the constant talk of the Dail, where everything important is put on the long finger.

    Let us not forget either the history of the parliamentary system in Ireland. It was not brought to the whole island through the love of peace or democracy but rather with the conquest of Cromwell. It represents a divide in our history between Gaelic society and Anglicisation.The process of the parliament never represented the Irish people, just as it doesn’t represent it today. All through our history since this event we see the divide again and again. John Redmond’s Irish Parliamentary Party was our last example of compromise with English ways to secure Gaelic freedom. That party was brushed aside by a more authentic and natural movement that truly sought to represent Irish people and put them first in Ireland. We see a similar battle today between the compromisers and talkers, and the authentic Gaelic men of action. Clann Éireann represents the latter idea. We know that the people are the object of power, not the subject of it. We are here to fight for them and remove the parliamentary system which keeps them in chains. We will give them a new leadership and a new future.

    Only the leadership principle, which ought to proliferate all through Irish life, can fight against the evils of the parliamentary system. With the power to make national decisions comes responsibility and accountability. No longer will career politicians hide behind the ‘people’ to cover their mistakes. The leader will be the first of equals and the first to be held accountable to the people.

    – Clann Éireann Member

  • Clann Éireann – Coming to a Town Near You!

    Clann Éireann – Coming to a Town Near You!

    Opening a new front in the fight for our Ireland, Not Free Merely But Gaelic As Well, Not Gaelic Merely But Free As Well.
