The Scourge of Mass Migration

There is no need to dwell on figures or numbers when it comes to the scourge of mass migration. Many others have broken down the data already, but it is irrelevant now. What use is this information when the stark reality stares us in the face? Look at any of our cities and now sadly many of our small towns. What can be seen clearly is that the Irish are being replaced and ethnically cleansed. There is no use ‘moderating’ our language on this issue. Replacement is exactly what is happening. Call it what it is.

But why is this happening? We won’t look to secret conspiracies or cabals, not because we don’t believe in such things but rather there is a straightforward explanation that even the most centrist can understand. The answer is money. Gombeenism infests our country with many the traitor making a good profit from importing thousands and thousands of foreigners. Be it for cheap labour, IPAS centres or simply to keep the rents and housing prices up, the effect is the same. A certain class of our people only care for money, and Irish culture be damned if need be. Clann Éireann will eradicate this way of thinking. Profit will not rule Ireland.

The ideology of liberalism is the primary driver of this mass migration. Not only does it put individual monetary profit at the heart of its economic thinking, it blurs the lines between all divisions and boundaries in a pathological effort to individualise and atomise every human. In truth it is the most totalitarian belief system ever conceived.

Ireland is liberal because it is under the boot of a liberal empire, the United States. It will not cease until the world is remade in it’s democratic image. Perhaps they think they are doing good for the world but in practice it means genocide for the Irish people and culture. Do not shy away from that word. We faced a genocidal British regime and succeeded, now we face a new enemy. Will you fight back? Join Clann Éireann now and save your people from liberalism and mass migration.

-Clann Éireann Member

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